I think attempting Scala from java is slightly skewed philosophically. Because both of them differ on paradigms. On top of my head, here are a few differences:
Java | Scala |
Three namespaces: packages, methods, fields | Uniform access principle |
Has primitives | Single Object model. Everything is an object |
Special (irregular) handling of arrays | Arrays are just like any other collection |
void, null | Unit, Nothing |
... | ... |
JVM does not have bytecode support for a lot of stuff scala tries. So scala has to resort to many hacks to make those paradigms a reality.
A small example:
x1trait J {
2 private[J] val x = “Hey”
4class Prac4 extends J
6// Now lets look at the bytecode:
8public class Prac4 implements J {
9 private final java.lang.String J$$x;
10 public java.lang.String J$$x();
11 public void J$_setter_$J$$x_$eq(java.lang.String);
12 public Prac4();
So x
is supposed to be final
. Well in bytecode it is not. Below is a working java code
21Prac4 prac4 = new Prac4();
2prac4.J$_setter_$prac$J$$x_$eq("jatin"); //sets `x` to `jatin`
is technically useless. Means its visibility is only intrait J
. But here in bytecode we can see that is public and can be accessed.
11System.out.println(prac4.prac$J$$x()); //prints the `x` value
Now look at this:
111public Prac4();
2 descriptor: ()V
3 flags: ACC_PUBLIC
4 Code:
5 stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
6 0: aload_0
7 1: invokespecial #24 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
8 4: aload_0
9 5: invokestatic #30 // Method J$class.$init$:(LJ;)V
10 8: return
So it is here at 5
, it calls J$class.class which calls InterfaceMethod J.J\$_setter_\$J\$\$x_\$eq:(Ljava/lang/String;) V
Technically the compiler is fooling us. What it portrays is far from what it actually is in reality. All thus due to lack of bytecode support.
Another example:
31def func(arr:Array[_ <: String]) = arr.length
3func(Array[Nothing]())// line -a
Now line-a
compiles successfully. But it throws an error at runtime. Why? Because at bycode level, func expects a String[]
At line-(a)
we pass Object[]
. But why Object[]
? Because in scala, Nothing is subtype of every other type. But how do we express this at byte code. We cant >.<. Hence Object[]
is used.
Note this issue is only with arrays as they are reified. Works alright with List as it is type-erased.
Bottom-Line: It is futile to attempt calling scala from java. Scala has a rich type system which cannot be directly expressed from Java. Solution: Hava a java wrapper for your scala code.